The U.S. Prosecutor Database

An Open-Source Dataset of all Prosecutors in the United States


How to search, Google, and collect information into a simple document

Completed States

If you'd like to contribute, please note we have completed Basic Prosecutor Profiles for the following states at the District Attorney level:





How to search, Google, and collect information into a simple document

Instructions on how to pull down the repository and begin the manual data mining and entry process

Weekly Wins

Below is a brief summary of how far we've progressed.

Completed States

If you'd like to contribute, please note we have completed Basic Prosecutor Profiles for the following states at the District Attorney level:






New Jersey

New York


Tutorials, Repository

June 19th, 2018

Hosting Tutorials over the phone; updating GitHub Repo, GitHub Pages.

GitHub Contribs

November 29th, 2019

Updated tutorials & relaunched web app

U.S. Prosecutor Datathon

March 25th, 2018

Building Basic Prosecutor Profile for Florida and Pennsylvania District Attorneys as well as Attorney Generals

Creating Dev Site

April 1st, 2018

Creating a local developer site for rendering out open-source prosecutor data.

Updating Dev Site

April 8th, 2018

Building out taxonomies for locations based upon counties, searching for prosecutor articles.

"Justice League" at LadyHacks

May 13th, 2017

Led a team of women-identified developers in gathering prosecutor data for the upcoming Philadelphia District Attorney election.

Init Repo

April 7th, 2017

Created a new project to house U.S. Prosecutor data. Originally called light pollution.